Our staff welcome you to the School of Dentistry

Where teaching you to think differently is everything

About The Postgraduate School of Dentistry

Australia’s first private dental school, The Postgraduate School of Dentistry was established in 2014 to provide state of the art, accredited postgraduate qualifications for the practitioner of tomorrow. Curricula are aimed at niche areas of dentistry, principally for general dentists around the world to gain further qualifications, whereby they remain in general practice yet offer specific treatments and services which are beyond the realm of their undergraduate dental degrees.

Students obtain a prestigious, government accredited Level 8 qualification (between a Degree and a Masters), and post-nomials which distinguishes yourself in your area of study.

Learning to think differently

The Postgraduate School of Dentistry was established to provide world class education and skillsets, to enable dentists to broaden their clinical options and enhance their depth of knowledge in specific areas.

Our programs have been strategically pinpointed in selected areas of clinical practice (such as aesthetic orthodontics and oral medicine) that we believe will be even more relevant in practice of tomorrow.